Monday, January 9, 2012

Super Mom

"Moms: like dads... only smarter!"

I found that quote on Pintrest and it made me smile. I have admitted before that I underestimated mommyhood. I had no idea how hard a mommy's job actually is. My respect, appreciation, and admiration for my own mother quadrupled after becoming a parent. I am new to this mommy world, and I will always be the first to admit that sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. However, my baby is happy and healthy so I must be doing something right! Being "mommy" is my whole life and I absolutely love it. I also love when an outsider has an "aha! moment" and realizes what it means to be "mommy".

Today was my hubby's day off so I left Max with him for oh, about 2 hours while I went to Target and on a food run. As I was on my way home I received a text message saying "OMG I seriously don't know how you do this all day everyday. I'm about to shoot myself." Now, my husband is an amazing father. He is the sole bread winner and he works his booty off for our family. He adores Max and is always willing to fix bottles, wash bottles, change a diaper, etc. BUT he is not what you would call a "patient" individual. He works A LOT. He isn't used to having Max by himself. He will gladly watch him while I run errands or go hang out with a friend, but after a couple hours, hubby is SPENT and begging me to come home. Max is a mama's boy and when he gets in one of those moods and won't stop fussing... he just wants me and hubby panics. I get home and Max is sleeping and I say to Mike, "so, you need a break now?" He answers "OMG babe, I don't know how you do it. He was sooo crabby and nothing I did helped. Ugh!" I smile. While I'm not stoked that Max gave his dad a hard time, I get MAJOR satisfaction out of the fact that husband admitted that sometimes it's hard. And frustrating. And he couldn't do it. "He does that to me sometimes too, babe. He's just a baby & he gets moody. But now you know what it's like sometimes. I don't just sit at home watching T.V. all day." "Yeah, I couldn't do it." He tells me. Yep, that's right. A mommy's job is not all cute smiles and fun play dates. It's not glamorous or pretty. It's dirty and messy and exhausting. I'm not sure that people understand that. I think that many people picture stay at home moms sitting on the couch watching soaps all day while their baby naps in the play pen. Ha! Far from the truth. Yes, I watch T.V. That's one of the only things that I can do while feeding or holding my baby. But I do a whole lot more than that. And it's nice every once in a while for someone to recognize that because a lot of times, we don't get the credit we deserve. I could never work the hours that my husband does. And he could never stay at home with Max 24/7. That's okay! But we must always respect the job that we each have. We do our part to make this family work. But yes, I ENJOY staying at home with my baby and my husband would rather gouge his eyes out. Just call me super mom! Where's my cape??

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