That's right! This evening as I was letting Max gnaw on my finger, I felt something hard and sharp. What?! Could it be?! I pry his mouth open, push his tongue out of the way, and I see it. The skin on his bottom gums has broken and I can see a sliver of a tooth. Yahoo!!! It's popping through! It just happened a few hours ago because this morning I could not feel anything yet.
Teething is an awful traumatic process, both for baby and mommy. Poor baby is whiny and fussy and in pain. They want to chew on anything and everything in sight. If they can grab it, in their mouth it goes. Fountains of drool fall from their sweet little lips and soak their clothes. Say goodbye to those few decent hours of sleep that everyone in the house is getting because baby's gums hurt & they will cry and jibber jabber because they hurt. The excessive amount of drool + gnawing and rubbing their fists on their face= chapped face/rash. Some believe it can cause them to run a slight temperature. Some also believe that it can cause diarrhea from swallowing the excess saliva (hmm.. that's where I'll place the blame for the 3 blowouts he's had this week). Baby is tired, irritable and just plain miserable. It is quite a terrible process. And it lasts for months.. and months... and months............
Max started the drooling and chewing around 2 months. Some days he is fussier than usual and extra drooly. This past week he has been in a terrible mood and has slept like crap most nights (lucky me). I noticed a couple days ago that right in the middle of his bottom gums there was a swollen bump. "I think there's a tooth coming" I say to husband. And voila! Today, I can see it! I am happy that I see the tooth. It means that there is a reason for all of the drool and fussiness and sleepless nights and maybe, JUST MAYBE, he will begin to feel better and we will all get a little relief. For now anyway. 1 down, 19 to go.... Oh geez. Well, that's one good thing about no longer breastfeeding. I lost the risk of having my nipple bitten off by those tiny razor sharp piranha teeth. I shudder at the thought.
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