Wednesday, February 22, 2012

King of the Crib

Since my last post (2 weeks ago.. yikes!) both Max and I have made tremendous progress in the crib department! He officially naps and sleeps in his crib EVERYDAY and EVERY NIGHT. Can I get a woo hoo?! I ordered some new breathable bumpers for his crib and bought a softer crib sheet. I promised myself that since he was 6 months old, I would put him in his bed.The first night was rough (for me not him) and I was awake every hour checking on him. He was just fine and snoozed away for 9 hours. The second night was better for me and I only got up to check on him 3 times (ONLY 3...). Again, he slept in his crib without making a peep for about 9 hours. The third night I only checked on him once but I heard hubby get up several times to check on him. He never made a sound until morning. We have now all adjusted to him sleeping in his own room and I must say, we all seem to sleep much better. Yes, you can all say "I told you so". I don't hear every whimper he makes nor do I wake up everytime he rolls over and he has more room to roll and stretch out. After 6 months, I feel like I am finally getting some decent sleep at night!

Napping in his crib has been a little more of an adjustment for him. Some days I lay him in his crib and he closes those eyes immediately and goes right to sleep... other days I lay him down and he cries......... but I have forced myself to give him 5 minutes. If he is still crying or fussing after 5 minutes, I go into his room, make sure he has his beloved paci and pat his back for a minute or 2 and then walk out. If he starts to cry again, I give him another 5 minutes. And repeat. As much as I even hate for him to cry for 5 minutes.... after I go into his room once or twice, he falls asleep and naps in his crib in his room! YAY! No more of this "he only naps while I hold him and wakes up everytime I lay him down" business. YESSSS!!! Both he and I have adjusted and are doing well! Finally!

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