Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Ugly Truth

I just have to be totally honest in this post. Sometimes I need a break for my sanity. Even if it's just an hour to myself, I need a break. Mommyhood is tough. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and I feel like a lot of moms don't say that because if they do, they feel like they have failed in some way. Myself included. I have joked in previous posts about being "supermom".. but in reality, supermom does not exist. We can't do everything for everyone. We need help once in a while whether it is from a spouse, family member, or friend.. even the best of parents need help. I pride myself in being a good mom. Not to toot my own horn, but I feel like I am. I do have my moments though. Every parent does. Sometimes I want to lock myself in a room alone and just sit for 5 minutes. Or put in my ear plugs when baby is screaming unconsolibly and cry too. It's hard being a mom. A lot harder than I thought (as I've said before). Whether it is an hour away, or a night out with my hubby or girlfriends, I need time away. Not often, but every once in a while I need to just spend some Mallory time... after all, I've been Mallory for almost 25 years, and mommy for less than 1. While my son is my number one priority, I can't neglect Mallory altogether. The funny thing is, I say that I need time away but as soon as I am away from Max for an hour, I miss him and can't wait to get back to him. Admitting that you need a break before you pull your hair out is not a weakness and does not make you a failure. It's hard to ask for help... especially when you are a mom and if you are anything like me, you think that it is your job to do everything yourself. My poor hubby sometimes gets the worst of it when I'm exhausted and frustrated and I take it out on him and then I feel bad.... but it's the truth. Being far away from family makes it hard because I would love for Max to spend a couple hours with a grandma once or twice a week not only for them to spend time together, but for me to get a break or a nap or whatever. Maybe someday.....

I also get annoyed when people say "it's totally worth it!" Of course it is worth it. DUH. I would do anything for my baby. He is worth every minute I lose of sleep and every ounce of frustration.... THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS WRONG to vent or need a break. It does not mean that you don't appreciate your baby. If anything, it makes me appreciate him more. I am a better mommy when I am rested and I am a better mommy when I get much needed alone time. I am not a failure and I am not a bad parent for needing a break or a girls night out every once in a blue moon. Anyway, Max & I are going to visit family on Monday for 2 weeks and I am not only looking forward to seeing them, I am looking forward to giving the grandmas some Max time so I can have some mommy time. Maybe I'll even catch up on sleep! This was on my mind today (as I have been very tired lately from traveling and Max's lack of napping/early rising) and I just needed to be honest and maybe vent a little. It makes me feel better. I am not supermom and I am not perfect. But I am not a failure. Sometimes, only sometimes, though I hate to admit it, Max gets the best of me and I realize that I can't do it all. I find it refreshing when other moms admit that too. I feel like I am not crazy and I am not alone. I feel ya, sister!

Lying Mommy

Max makes a liar out of me on a daily basis. I say "he only takes 45 minute naps" and then he naps for 2 hours. I say "he only falls asleep when I rock him" and then he prefers to be left alone in his crib and gets himself to sleep. I say "he can only sit up alone for a minute and then loses his balance" and then he sits up alone for 10-15 minutes reaching for toys without falling over once. I say "he sleeps until 8:30 a.m.!" and then he wakes up at 6 a.m. for a week straight. I say "he refuses baby food purees" and then he scarfs down 2 jars. The list goes on and on. I guess I should stop saying what he likes and dislikes because he is fickle and changes his mind frequently!

CURRENTLY, he is doing a great job of sleeping in his crib at night and I LOVE it. Napping this week has been a struggle. From the insane wind blowing and howling, to the movers next door banging and clanging, naps have been short. Or maybe it has nothing to do with those things and he just doesn't feel like napping for more than 20 minutes. Who knows, that's my theory. Anyway, short naps result in a cranky baby... Fun! On the plus side, he has been going to bed earlier which gives me and husband more quality time.... but then he wakes up around 6:15 a.m. Super fun! I am blaming teething (6 total now), weather, and movers. Or maybe he just decided to change his schedule. Agh! I don't know. He's the boss.

CURRENTLY, he has been loving baby food and I am so glad! We have been experimenting for 2 months now and he hasn't been much of a fan. That has changed in the past couple of weeks and I am happy to report that he likes: carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, peaches, bananas, and applesauce. He also seems to enjoy snacking on yogurt melts. Yay! He still loves his bottle more than anything else, but we are making progress! For now, anyway.

CURRENTLY, he is sitting up by himself for 10-15 minutes at a time without falling over. He can even reach for toys and then straighten up without losing his balance. I try not to hover and just let him do his thing on his own. He is doing great! He is right on track and I am so proud of my boy who will be 7 months old next week!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pro Traveler

I have officially survived my first flight with Max! ALONE, might I add. Aside from juggling all of our crap that I have to pack in order to go ANYWHERE, let alone on a weekend getaway, it really wasn't as bad as I anticipated! After checking in and going through security, yes I was sweating, but it was easier than I thought it would be! People around me were helpful when I needed an extra hand to carry something, and Max was on his best behavior! After a couple minor hiccups... Max kicked off one of his shoes (the only pair that I packed) in Denver airport and I didn't notice it until after the fact, and our flight was delayed 45 minutes... we were ready to board! Pllllease Max, be good on the plane. It had been a long day and I was worried he would be super tired and fussy or cry because his ears were popping or whatever. I gave him a bottle during take off and he slept until the wheels hit the ground. Whew! Same went for the flight home--yay!!!! He was an excellent flyer!

We had a great weekend with my girlfriends and Max was an angel-- he has them all fooled ;) No, but really, Max is a great baby but he definitely has his moments.. just like anyone else. On this trip, he was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better behaved child and travel companion :) He was a ham and soaked up every bit of attention that he got, he took 2-3 2 hour naps a day and slept for 11-12 hours at night. I was AMAZED! And happy! I'm glad he enjoyed the weekend and he allowed me to enjoy it as well. My girlfriends (and Bailey's mom) were finally able to spend more than an hour or two with him and we all loved being able to be together. It truly is rare that we ALL are together, especially for an entire weekend and I appreciated every second of it. I am still surprised that I was able to pull off the surprise of Max & I being there! I give myself a pat on the back for that! I also look forward to all of them having babies of their own so when we do a weekend getaway like this once or twice a year, all of the little "cousins" can play!

It was a great weekend but I am exhausted from traveling! No matter how well behaved they are, it is a lot of work to travel with a little one.. especially without my hubby! I am so relieved that he was good on the plane and even better all weekend... and I hope he continues to do that well while traveling because we are flying again in 2 weeks for my brother's wedding. Hopefully this good behavior on the plane wasn't a fluke. We shall see!

King of the Crib

Since my last post (2 weeks ago.. yikes!) both Max and I have made tremendous progress in the crib department! He officially naps and sleeps in his crib EVERYDAY and EVERY NIGHT. Can I get a woo hoo?! I ordered some new breathable bumpers for his crib and bought a softer crib sheet. I promised myself that since he was 6 months old, I would put him in his bed.The first night was rough (for me not him) and I was awake every hour checking on him. He was just fine and snoozed away for 9 hours. The second night was better for me and I only got up to check on him 3 times (ONLY 3...). Again, he slept in his crib without making a peep for about 9 hours. The third night I only checked on him once but I heard hubby get up several times to check on him. He never made a sound until morning. We have now all adjusted to him sleeping in his own room and I must say, we all seem to sleep much better. Yes, you can all say "I told you so". I don't hear every whimper he makes nor do I wake up everytime he rolls over and he has more room to roll and stretch out. After 6 months, I feel like I am finally getting some decent sleep at night!

Napping in his crib has been a little more of an adjustment for him. Some days I lay him in his crib and he closes those eyes immediately and goes right to sleep... other days I lay him down and he cries......... but I have forced myself to give him 5 minutes. If he is still crying or fussing after 5 minutes, I go into his room, make sure he has his beloved paci and pat his back for a minute or 2 and then walk out. If he starts to cry again, I give him another 5 minutes. And repeat. As much as I even hate for him to cry for 5 minutes.... after I go into his room once or twice, he falls asleep and naps in his crib in his room! YAY! No more of this "he only naps while I hold him and wakes up everytime I lay him down" business. YESSSS!!! Both he and I have adjusted and are doing well! Finally!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Half Birthday Update

Happy half birthday to my Max! It is hard to believe that he is 6 months old!! Makes me feel old...

At 6 months old, he currently:

-weighs over 20 lbs
-LOVES bananas
-can scoot backwards and sideways but has yet to crawl forward
-has 4 teeth
-sleeps through the night... HOLLA!!
-says "ma... mama... mamamama" all the time :)
-is getting more hair and it's getting darker... bout time that boy got brown hair!
-smiles and laughs ALL. THE. TIME. Unless he is tired, he is the happiest baby ever!
-when he's reaaally happy he opens his mouth as wide as he can and then gets bashful and buries his face in my chest
-prefers to sleep on his belly
-if he can grab it, it goes into his mouth immediately
-rolls all over the place. Don't leave him unsupervised unless contained in something ie. crib, jumperoo, pack n play
-he used to look identical to my baby pictures but he is looking more like his daddy... I really just think he is the perfect combination of us. He has his own look... he's just Max! And obviously I think he is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
-obsessed with feet and toes. Anyone's feet and toes, not just his own!
-has very very dry skin. I think he has eczema but the doc says he's too young to tell if it's that or just this dry mountain air
-grabs toys with his left hand more than his right. Lefty? Who knows!
-bathtime is one of his favorite times of the day
-has yet to sleep in his crib... I keep telling myself "tonight is the night" but I haven't done it thus far
-is still very much a mama's boy, but he seems to love his daddy more and more the older he gets
-has a TEMPER! The other night I was rocking him, well more like wrestling him, trying to get him to sleep and he was fighting me like he usually does and he stuck his hand down my v-neck shirt and pinched my nipple. Another night, he was fighting sleep and crying and I bent over him trying to talk to him to calm him down and he smacked me in the face. I said "no no!" firmly and he balled both of his fists and growled an "uggghhh!" at me until his face got red. Anger management needed!
-has a VERY short attention span
-since finding his voice, he squeals and screams all the time
-really enjoys playing in the floor now that he can scoot. He no longer despises being on his belly... I actually can't keep him on his back now!
-his favorite toys are his soccer ball rattle, Sophie giraffe, and soft blocks
-loves his pacifier and bah-bah (bottle) will not go to sleep without one of them
-is a cuddler!

He is healthy, happy, and absolutely beautiful. He is such a blessing to us and brings much joy to our lives! Happy 6 months to my baby! Mommy loves you!