Thursday, February 6, 2014

Am I Doing Enough?

I often find myself feeling like I have/am dropping the ball when it comes to teaching Max certain things. These are some thoughts that I have had:

Should he be able to count higher?
He doesn't know his ABC's...
Sometimes he names colors correctly, other times they are all blue. Same with shapes.
We don't do enough "activities"...
Does he get enough socialization?
Maybe I allow too much iPad time...
Am I doing enough?

Am I doing enough??????????????

I sometimes feel that since I am a stay at home mom that he should know everything because my "job" is to teach him these things everyday.... right???? Who knows? I recently read a blog post that a friend shared on facebook. It was titled "What should my 4 year old know?" I found it INCREDIBLY refreshing. The author's words really hit home with me. "She should know that she is loved wholly and unconditionally", "She should know that she is safe", "She should know that the world is a magical place", among other things. (I will attach the link to the actual post below)

While some kids are potty trained by 2, others aren't until they are 4. Some 2 year olds can count to 20, some (like Max) cannot and only choose to SOMETIMES count to 10 always skipping the #6 (don't ask why!). Some kids respond to flash cards and will name the contents of said flash cards on command while others (like Max) would rather rip said flash cards and fling them about the room. The point is, all kids are different and they learn at different speeds. We (myself included) should stop worrying about how much they can't do and focus on what they CAN.

This is what I know for sure:
*Max has an awesome imagination! He loves to make believe and pretend that we are different people/creatures and we are in different locations.
*He is polite. He always says "please" "thank you" and "excuse me".
*He knows that mommy is always there to kiss his ouchies and make them better. He knows that daddy will be home after work to wrestle and play.
*He knows that he is safe and loved and he loves us almost as much as we love him! And he tells us that all the time :-)

So, because of that, I know that I am doing enough!

Here is the link to the blog post that I am referring to. If you have a chance, read it. You won't regret it! If you are like me, you will feel validated. You will feel like you are doing enough. Even better than that... you are doing GREAT! :-)

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