Max & I were out of town for a couple of weeks so I haven't posted in a while! Our trip to the Midwest was nice. Exhausting as usual, but it is always nice to go back and see friends and family. I really do not want to travel alone with Max for a LONG LONG time after this trip though. It is just so much work! We check in at the airport, tell hubby goodbye, and I locate a bathroom for myself and Max. Max screams the entire time we are in said bathroom because the hand dryers are going off every 15 seconds and he is not a fan of loud noises. After juggling Max, the stroller, and diaper bag through security, I am sweating and in need of a nap! Max was great (again, thank you Lord!) on the flight and we are so excited to see our family! The first few nights Max was cranky and didn't sleep well... I blame it on travel, change of time zones, and change in altitude. Oh, and he happened to be cutting yet another tooth. Having help from his grandparents was extremely nice and I even took a nap or two! Yay! The flight back out west was good too. We sat next to a couple nice ladies who were "happy to be sitting next to the GOOD baby on the plane"... I felt for the mom in the back with the 1 year old screamer. Poor thing. This has been the only flight that Max didn't sleep on so I was nervous. He did great though! He got restless at the end and kept trying to steal our neighbor's iPad... mommy's iPhone wasn't nearly as cool as that! The only hiccup was at the very end after we had landed and were waiting for another plane to leave the gate so we could take its place. In the 20 minutes that we sat there, I was having hot flashes from having to urinate so bad and trying to hold my breath because Max pooped while we were waiting. The 20 minutes seemed to last a lot longer but soon enough, we were moving again. He also made friends with an older man as we were in the aisle waiting to exit the plane and Max bent over and started rubbing the man's bald head. I'm not sure how long he was doing it before I noticed... but the man thought he was funny. We were happy to be home and so happy to see Mike!
We have been home for a few days now and it has been quite a struggle trying to get Max back into his routine. He is readjusting to his sleep schedule and was up all night the first 2 nights. He also cut another tooth (#7) which I didn't realize until husband saw the tiny sliver of white that had come through his gums yesterday. Last night was a little better as far as sleeping goes. I am hopeful that he will go back to his normal 8-9 hours a night. I had gotten used to that and it was glorious! He has been into EVERYTHING because he has become a full blown crawler in the past few weeks... no more scooting army style! And while he has only been crawling for a couple of weeks, he is now pulling up and constantly trying to stand. Apparently he is over this crawling business and is eager to move on to the next thing.... standing.... and then comes walking. Yikes! When did he become such a big boy??? He needs to slow down! Anyway, we are happy to be home... and doubly happy that the weather seems to be warming up a bit. YAY! Mike, Max, Leo & I all went for a walk yesterday and are planning to go again later today. Max loves being outside and so do I! It's nice to get out.. plus a little ENJOYABLE exercise for mommy? I'll take it!